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    Helios Italquartz S.r.l.

    Via delle Industrie, 103/A


    +39 02 95349318

    The IR Fast Medium Wave radiation is positioned in the range of 1,4 e 1,6 μm. Helios Italquartz can design and realize the right IR emitter with the peak of radiation centered on the maximum absorption of the IR radiation of the material to be heated; this allows you to obtain the most efficient heating process with the less energy consumption. The IR Fast Medium Wave emitter, is the optimal compromise when one specific application requires at the same time the IR radiation of the Medium Wave emitters and the fast response time in the switching on/off proper of the Short Wave emitters. Helios Italquartz Technical Department can realize twin tube IR emitters with different filament configuration. This allows extraordinary flexibility both in terms of heated area modularity and lead wire position. Helios Italquartz thanks to its long track record and wide set of products always in stock, can advise the customer choosing the right emitters for the specific application. Furthermore the Technical Department can also design the IR Fast Medium Wave filament with a peak that covers the wavelength range from 1,7 up to 2,0 μm and manufacture the emitter based on the customer’s specific technical instructions: • total length of the emitter (max. 6500 mm.) • length of the heating part (max 6300 mm.) • filament and ending configuration • power • voltage TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS: The main characteristics of IR Fast Medium Wave Emitters are: - Twin tube standard cross section • 18 x 8 mm • 23 x11 mm • 34 x15 mm - Single tube standard cross section • 8 x 10 mm • 10 x13 mm • 15 x18 mm - Radiation peak in the range of 1,4 - 1,6μm; 50 W/cm maximum density of nominal power (to be verified in prototype phase) and 130 kW/m2 maximum surface power density; - Horizontal working position but on request there is also the possibility to design and realize vertical working emitters; - Possibility to apply a reflector directly on the quartz tube, to better convey and focus all the energy emitted on the material;

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